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中国工业百强区结果出炉 武进位列全国第四、全省第一
来源:武进日报 作者: 日期:2017-12-29 09:44:11  报料热线:86598222



  Results of China's Top 100 Industrial Districts Released

  Wujin Ranks 4th in China and 1st in Jiangsu

  Recently, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology issued the "Report on Development of China's Top 100 Industrial Counties (Cities) and Top 100 Industrial Districts". This is the third official release of China's top 100 industrial counties (cities) and the first release of China's top 100 industrial districts. Wujin ranked fourth in China and the first in Jiangsu province.

  From January to November in 2017, Wujin completed the above-scale industrial output value of 434.5 billion yuan, an increase of 14.1%. Focusing on graphene, intelligent equipment, rail transit and other emerging industries, Wujin promote enterprises to speed up transformation and upgrading, support the listing and expanding of enterprises to boost industrial quality and efficiency. (Zhu Liqin)

中国工业百强区结果出炉 武进位列全国第四、全省第一

责编: jiangcaiting

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